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Books by BK Walker

Immortyl Kisses


Available on Kindle $7.99
Smashwords - $7.99
Lulu - Paperback $14.08 but for limited time get 10% discount for $12.67
Interactive CD with Sleeve - $7.00 signed by author
Paperback with Goodies signed by author - $17.00

Immortyl Kisses Series Signed Interactive CD with Jewel Case


Get stories I,  The Forgotten Kiss and II,  The Kiss of Betrayal of the Immortyl Kisses series on a signed CD.  $7.00 includes shipping

Dares And Dreams Signed Interactive CD with Jewel Case


Get Dares And Dreams on a signed CD.  $5.00 includes shipping

Death Upon Me Signed Interactive CD with Jewel Case or Signed Paperback


Purchase either the interactive CD $5.00 or

Paperback $15.00 includes shipping